How do you get your cat to come when called?

Published on Author comic97

Calling All Cat Owners: How to (Attempt to) Get Your Cat to Come When Called

Cats. Mysterious, independent, unpredictable creatures who graciously allow us mere humans to share our lives with them. But, if you’re anything like me, you’ve probably found yourself wondering why on earth your feline companion refuses to respond when you call their name.

Well, fear not fellow cat worshippers, for I have embarked on a mission to unlock the secrets of getting our beloved furballs to come when called. Brace yourselves for what could possibly be an exercise in futility.

First things first, let’s get one thing straight: cats couldn’t care less about you. Seriously, the mere act of calling them seems to trigger an internal switch that activates their selective hearing.

They’ll respond to the sound of a can opener or the rustle of a treat bag from fifty feet away, but call their name and it’s like they suddenly become Deaf McDeaferson.

But fret not, because as cat owners, it is our solemn duty to persevere in these matters. Our egos depend on it. So, here are a few tried-and-failed techniques that might make your cat raise an eyebrow in mild curiosity before sauntering off in the opposite direction.

1. Treat Bribery:

Treats. The universal language that can make even the most apathetic cat pop out of the deep abyss of armoire they’ve been hiding in for the past three days. The key here is to shake that treat bag like you’re experiencing a mid-life crisis and hoping for a lottery win.

Yes, my friend, it’s all about theatrics. Maybe, just maybe, your cat will wander over, only to sniff disdainfully at your outstretched hand before promptly taking off again. It’s all about baby steps, right?

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2. Laser Pointers:

The hypnotizing red dot. The bane of kitty-kind. Whip out that laser pointer and watch as your cat transforms into an agile, acrobatic superhero. But wait, before you get too excited, there’s a catch. They’ll chase it for hours, but as soon as it disappears, they’ll go back to ignoring your very existence. So remember, my friend, use this tactic wisely, or risk becoming a mere pawn in the game of cat versus dot.

3. Cat Whispering:

No, this is not some mystical practice where you communicate telepathically with your feline friend. Cat whispering, my fellow cat enthusiasts, is all about the subtle art of ignoring your cat altogether.

Yes, you heard me right.

By diverting our attention away from our standoffish companions, we might just pique their interest enough to wander over. It’s like reverse psychology, but for cats. Trust me, when they see us not caring the teeniest bit, they’ll be desperate to reclaim their human overlord status.

4. Bells and Whistles:

Literally. If all else fails, you can always resort to bribery in the form of a colorful collar with sparkly bells. Sure, your cat may never love you for it, but at least they’ll jingle their way back to you. Unfortunately, this method comes with the minor drawback of compromising your cat’s street cred. But hey, beggars can’t be choosers, right?

So, my fellow cat enthusiasts, while there is no scientific formula or secret handshake to guarantee success in summoning your feline friend when called, these methods might just give you a faint glimmer of hope – a fleeting moment where it seems like your cat might consider gracing you with their presence. But let’s remember, the cats are always the ones pulling the strings here. We are but mere mortals, craving their attention in a world where they reign supreme.

In conclusion, my cat-wrangling comrades, the struggle to get our cats to come when called may be real, but it’s important to remember that the journey is what truly matters.

So embrace the mysterious ways of your enigmatic pet, and let the futile pursuit of their obedience become just another anecdote for the ages. Now go forth, armed with these questionable techniques, and may the odds be ever in your favor.