How do you get your cat to take medication?

Published on Author comic97

Unraveling the Mystery: How to Get Your Cat to Take Medication (Without Losing Your Sanity)


Alright, fellow cat enthusiasts, let’s face it: when it comes to giving our feline friends medication, it can often become an epic battle between man and beast. These regal creatures seem to possess an uncanny ability to transform into *ninja-master illusionists* the very moment they catch a whiff of that pill or liquid.

You might start your day all hopeful, armed with determination and a pill disguised as a tasty treat, but by the end of it, you’ve become an exhausted, defeated servant whose cat seems to have developed a sixth sense for their evil plan.

Fear not! In this blog post, we will dig into the secrets of how to triumph over the world’s most accomplished pill-evaders. Time to get your Sherlock Holmes hat on, ladies and gentlemen!

*1. Hiding Is for Amateurs*

Now, you may think you’re being clever by hiding the medication in your cat’s food. Do they even taste it? Who knows! But hold up, my friend, because most cats have proudly earned a PhD in “Pill Detection.”

Trust me, that dainty morsel of chicken you managed to deftly wrap your pill in? Your cat will carefully nibble around it like a *master culinary critic* and leave the offensive pill untouched. It’s moments like these when you realize your cat is *freakishly particular* about which inedible objects it deigns to ingest.

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Cats-Strange and Selfish

*2. The Art of Deception*

Think you can outsmart your cat by disguising the medication in a tantalizing treat? Think again. Cats have a mysterious talent for exposing all your clever tricks. They’ll chomp down on the treat, savor every morsel, and then casually spit out the pill like it’s an unappetizing side dish.

Frankly, it’s as if they possess a secret superpower, known only to them and their elite society. So, if deception is your chosen tactic, you’ll need to level up your game. *Go big or go home,* as they say.

*3. The Call of Duty*

If your cat has realized its superpower potential, it’s time to recruit some help. Enlist a family member or a brave friend to hold your cat while you embark on your noble mission of administering the medication.

One of you will act as the **”diplomat”**, soothingly speaking to the cat, feeding them treats, and creating a false sense of security.

Meanwhile, the other will strike as the **”commando”**, expertly placing the medication deep into the cat’s throat and capturing their attention with a quick burst of feather or toy-induced distraction. Let the synchronized chaos begin!

*4. The Jedi Mind Trick*

Mastering the art of Jedi mind tricks is crucial here. Channel your inner “Obi-Wan Catnobi” and convince your feline companion that the medication is the ultimate temptation.

It’s a game of mental manipulation, gently coaxing your cat’s mind into believing that the pill is a gateway to a whole new universe of treats and luxurious naps. If they resist, politely remind them of all the times you’ve cleaned their litter box, then give them your best Jedi glare. More often than not, their willpower will crumble under the pressure.


We all know that medicating a cat can feel like attempting the impossible. It’s a strange battle where we humans stand on one side, armed with knowledge and a burning desire to help, while our fluffy companions wag their tails and whiskers, determined to stay just out of reach.

But fear not, dear friends, there is hope! With a mix of perseverance, creativity, and a touch of Jedi mind tricks, you can unlock the mystery of getting your cat to take medication.

After all, every superhero has their weakness—we just need to find it. So, grab your cape, gather your wits, and may the force be with you in every pill-giving endeavor!